No matter how well you fit a job description, your personality and your appearance also determine the impression the future employer will get from you.
You can develop certain skills so that you can start the conversation with confidence.
Be organized and well prepared:
- Know with whom you have the conversation, where it takes place and how you get there.
- Always bring contact details, an extra resume and pen and paper.
- Find sufficient information in advance so that the future employer can be impressed by your research.
- Neem voor het gesprek informatie over het bedrijf door, bezoek de websites van concurrenten en lees vakbladen om op de hoogte te zijn van de meeste recente ontwikkelingen binnen de sector.
- Ken uzelf. Neem nogmaals de functiebeschrijving door en leg het verband met uw CV, zodat u kunt aantonen dat u aan alle vereisten voldoet.
- Wear neat but comfortable clothing. Find out in advance what the dresscode is within an organization. A good first impression is very important. If the function requires this, wear a suit as a man and a neat blouse as a woman, possibly a blazer and a skirt or trousers.
- Informatie over het bedrijf
- Informatie over de positie
- Informatie over uw gesprekspartner
- Voorbereiding van de zelfpresentatie
- Voorbereiding van mogelijke vragen (STARR)
- Eigen vragen voorbereiden
- Salaris
Directions, contact details, appearance, dresscode, etc.
A good first impression:
Be aware that your future employer will start to form a picture of you as soon as you enter the building.
- Everyone, from receptionist to director, can directly or indirectly influence which candidates are chosen or even who gets the job.
- It is possible that ​​the interview will be conducted by more than one person. Remember their names so that you can address them during the conversation.
- Make sure you stay focused on the conversation and do not allow yourself to be distracted by external factors, such as a chair that is shaky or the sun shining in your eyes. You should indicate this before you start the conversation.
 Answering questions:
- Relax, see your conversation partner as equel.
- Listen quietly to the other person's questions. Try not to become too nervous, which makes you forget to listen.
- Before answering a difficult question you can safely think about the answer and how you want to formulate it. This way you will come across as more confident while talking.
- Talk calmly and relaxed.
- Body language betrays whether we feel comfortable with a topic of conversation: be enthusiastic about what you say, smile and possibly support your words with hand gestures (but do not exaggerate with this).
- Look at your conversation partner (s).
- If you have said something that you want to adjust, simply correct it by reformulating the sentence as you originally intended it. Do not hesitate, because this may be the only chance to make your vision clear.
- Act factually and fairly concerning your strengths and weaknesses, so you can prove that you know your weaknesses and can work on them.
 Ask your own questions:
This is an opportunity to show your enthusiasm and interest. It is extremely important that you have already prepared some questions in advance, such as:
- What are the other employees of the department like?
- What are the objectives in the short and long term?
- What are important challenges?
- What will my main responsibilities be?
- What contact will I have with the other departments of the company, or with customers and suppliers?
- To what extent is it possible to take on other tasks or be involved in other aspects of the business?
- Are there any plans for an expansion? What influence will this have on my position?
- What opportunities are there to grow within the company?
- You may receive an explanation about the follow-up of the procedure. If not, ask for it yourself. Also try to find out when you can expect news, but do not force anything.
- Make sure the right people know how to reach you.
- Ask if they have got a good impression of you and ask if there are any doubts - if so, take the opportunity to remove the doubt.
- Finally, thank your conversation partner (s) for his or her time and give him / her a hand.
- Remember to say hello to everyone you've talked to. Also do not forget to thank the receptionist when you go outside, especially if you have had to wait a while and you are well taken care of.